Accounting, tax and employment services for SMEs in Spain
Tranquility and confidence. All data stored with maximum security on an encrypted virtual hard disk.
Accounting advice
Accounting advice is the main tool for making decisions in your business in Spain. From our management, we will help you choose the best method to make the accounting record and we will follow it up with the internal audits of your business's accounting.
Accounting register
We help you choose the most efficient method to keep your company's accounting, with classic accounting or real-time accounting.
Internal audit
We carry out monthly and quarterly audits with the company's accounting data updated and well recorded.
Partners of Holded
Partners of Holded
We are official partners of Holded, the most powerful cloud accounting tool on the market that will allow you to enjoy real-time accounting. Contact us and we will provide you with a significant discount on Holded.
Quarterly taxes and Annual Summary
Calculation and preparation of quarterly tax returns, information returns and annual summaries.
Legalization of books / Annual accounts
We prepare the registration and legalization of the books and annual accounts in the commercial register.
Corporate tax
Calculation of the fiscal profit for the year and preparation and presentation of the corporate tax.
Comprehensive employment advice
Personalized advice on any labor issue in the company.
Payroll preparation
Calculation and preparation of monthly payrolls for the company's employees, taking into account commissions, per diems, complementary hours, overtime and other variable concepts.
Obligations with social security and the treasury
We prepare the registration and legalization of the books and annual accounts in the commercial register.
Work study
Preparation of studies to know the labor cost and be able to apply possible modifications.
Employment contracts
Preparation of studies to know the labor cost and be able to apply possible modifications.
Hiring and termination of workers
We carry out the management of employee registrations and terminations, as well as the processing of temporary incapacity due to illness or accident.
Analyzes of financial statements
Analysis of balance sheets and results with ratios
We analyze various aspects of your company such as liquidity, debt, profitability, etc.
Analytical accounting results account
The analytical income statement allows us to analyze the causes of the results obtained.
Cost accounting and break even
Through cost accounting and breakeven we can see the financial health of the company.